Installing Linkity

Thank you for purchasing Linkity! Let's help you set it up.

Step 1: Upload Linkity to Your Server

Linkity runs on your own server. Once you've downloaded a copy of the ZIP file, you should extract it. The folder named "code" contains the actual code that you'll have to upload to your server.

Method 1: Online File Managers / Control Panels

Most control panels such as CPanel include an online file manager to manage your server's file. You can simply use one to upload Linkity to your server.

  1. Log into your control panel and find the file manager.

  2. Once in the file manager, navigate to your server's public directory.

  3. Upload Linkity's code.

Method: 2: Using sFTP or FTP

  1. Download and install a FTP program such as FileZilla.

  2. Connect to your server.

  3. Navigate to your server's public directory.

  4. Upload Linkity's code.

Step 2: Create a Database

Linkity stores all your links in a database. Linkity supports SQLite (Inbuilt), MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Microsoft SQL Server database types.

Method 1: Control Panel

Many control panels include a program to create and manage databases.If your control panel does offer one, here are the instructions that should work:

  1. Log into your control panel and find the database wizard.

  2. Create a database.

  3. Create a database user and grant it all the privileges.

Method 2: Database as a Service

In case you don't want to manage a database on your own or can't create one, you can use a service such as DigitalOcean Managed Databases, AWS Relational Database Service or Compose to manage the database for you.

Step 3: Install Linkity

Finally, let's install Linkity!

  1. Open a browser and go to your domain or server's IP address.

  2. Linkity will display the installation page. Click on the blue link.

  3. Enter the name you'd like to give your app. Then, an email address and a password you'll use to log into Linkity in the future. Press next.

  4. Enter the database details. By default, Linkity will automatically configure a SQLite database.

  5. Click on the install button, Linkity will install everything and redirect you once it's done.

Linkity should be installed now!

Last updated